Timber Calculator All-in-One 7
> It Calculates number of pcs. to Cft and Cmt. > ItCalculates Reverse Calculations like from Cft to number of Pcs. andCmt to number of Pcs. > Just enter full size of Timber and pressthe desired button for calculation. (i.e. Full size, Less 3mm, Less6mm, Less 9mm, Less 12mm) > No need to enter actual values like2.875, 2.75, 2.625, 2.50. Just enter full size it willautomatically calculate for lesser size with Cft and Cmt output.> It Calculates PlyBoard calculations also like Pcs to Sqft andPcs. to Sqmt. > Reverse Calculations like Sqft to Pcs. and Sqmtto Pcs. > Calculates Timber Logs Calculations. Just enter Lenghtin Ft and Girth in Inches or Cm. The Output will be displayed inCft. & Cmt. > It Calculates Running Ft and Running Mt.calculations for Moulding and Margin.
Timber Calculator All in One 2.0
Some Featurs are as follows:- > It Calculates number of Pcs. toCft and Cmt. > It Calculates Reverse Calculations like from Cftto number of Pcs. and Cmt to number of Pcs. > Just enter fullsize of Timber and press the desired button for calculation. (i.e.Full size, Less 3mm, Less 6mm, Less 9mm, Less 12mm) > No need toenter actual values like 2.875, 2.75, 2.625, 2.50. Just enter fullsize it will automatically calculate for lesser size with Cft andCmt output. > It Calculates PlyBoard calculations also like Pcsto Sqft and Pcs. to Sqmt. > Reverse Calculations like Sqft toPcs. and Sqmt to Pcs. > Calculates Timber Logs Calculations.Just enter Lenght in Ft and Girth in Inches or Cm. The Output willbe displayed in Cft. & Cmt. > > Rate Calculation, PerPcs. Calculation and Total Amount. > It Calculates Running Ftand Running Mtr. calculations for Moulding and Margin.